Two years later

Sandy got sick. She called the Lawyer’s office to see if there was anything that she needed to do or if anything had changed. The lawyers office told her her trust was still good, but for $500 they would be happy to meet with her and go over everything. She decided not to go. A few months later she died. Her daughter went to the safe deposit box and found the documents where they were left. She went to the bank and showed them the documents. The banker said, that the account at the bank was down to $10,000, but they could not release it to her without her filing the will with the Court. The daughter made an appointment with the Clerk of Court and a polite person helped her to fill out the papers. The Clerk looked at the will and saw that there was no self-proving affidavit. That meant that the witnesses would have to be located and swear that it was their signature, Clerk explained to her. The daughter called the attorney’s office and asked to speak to the attorney. When he came to the telephone, she said that she needed witness affidavits for the witnesses to the will. He said he would get the file which was in storage in a few days.

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