Have you checked out your will

We take a break in our story to ask if you have checked out your will in the last few years. I would recommend that you take it to a qualified attorney for review. With 2010 and 2011 bearing down on us, it would be wise to have an attorney review your estate plan. As Congress borrows money and spends it, ultimately the piper will have to be paid. I suspect that Congress will look at death taxes as a logical place to start. And if you don’t have a will, the state through intestacy statutes writes one for you. And while joint titles avoid probate, they don’t plan for taxes and create a mess with a joint death. Remember it is not unusual for families to travel together. So, go see the attorney. Odds are pretty good that you won’t die immediately after the meeting. But you don’t want to tempt Murphy’s law by putting it off.

As you can see by this tale, business succession plans sometimes go awry, so review those with your attorney as well. Have a great Sunday.

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